Herbal Medicine in South Runcton


Trudy, Lucy, Jan and I had a wonderful visit at the end of June to 3 School Rd, South Runcton. Matthew showed us the amazing biodiversity of the orchards and gardens there. We were so lucky that it was warm and the rain held off.

We admired the walnut tree orchard that has over 40 walnut trees, I have never seen such a huge number of walnut trees all gathered in one place, the orchard is managed with biodiversity in mind and we saw many butterflies and wildflowers wildflowers including the essential yellow rattle. We also admired the vegetable garden with it’s fascinating collection of different vegetables including purple beans and a thick hedge of perfumed sweet peas.

A group of medical herbalists Artemesia make use of the space in the garden to grow the healing herbs they use in their treatments, a really fascinating collection of plants , a joy to behold for anyone with a botanical interest. Artemesia is a ‘community interest company’ providing an array of opportunities for people to access herbal medicine including meeting the plants and learning about them. It is a great project. Artemesia are on Facebook and I encourage people to take a look and find out more about the innovative work that is being done, also contact direct via kfullilove@artemisiacic.co.uk. It’s very heartening to know such great work is being done in West Norfolk.

The apple orchard has many varieties of apple including heritage varieties and is a vision of a natural orchard with abundant lichens insect life mosses and wild flowers. So interesting and so life enhancing to experience that space We came away inspired by the attention and love given to nature in this space and the hope for fruitful collaboration in the future.

– Julia

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